Yellow is the New Green!

Plastic is out and compostable wrap is in.

Humpty Doo Barramundi is the first Australian aquaculture farm to incorporate the only Australian made compostable plastic pallet wrap into their operations, thanks to Great Wrap

You can spot the difference when it arrives - this compostable wrap has a slight yellow transparent tint to it. This is so the end receiver can differentiate Great Wrap from plastic pallet wrap, then dispose of it effectively.

The material is compostable, biodegradable, doesn't leave behind any microplastics or toxic residue, and it doesn't compromise the quality of compost. This wrap meets the Australian standard for compostability AS4736. This testing guarantees it's 90% biodegradable within 180 days in the right compost environment, and breaks down to pieces smaller than 2mm within 12 weeks. If composting isn't an option, it will still break down in landfill, it just takes longer. For us it costs a little extra - but we think it's worth it.

We take food safety seriously and want to ensure that our fish arrives at its destination fresh and in the best possible condition. Unfortunately, this can mean a lot of plastic is used in seafood to enable these food safety standards are met. Swapping out our old pallet wrap for a compostable pallet wrap is just the latest initiative we have adopted in efforts to reduce the plastic we use. 

Humpty Doo Barramundi has always strived to improve our environmental performance. We already closely manage our grow out water by recirculating it through our created wetland to reuse it again and again. We have also trialled many different replacement options for styrofoam boxes. Styros are perfect for seafood but terrible for the environment, and while there are more environmentally-friendly products being developed, most do not have both the strength and temperature control attributes of styro boxes. We continue to work with different products in this space and hope to announce a solution soon.

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